

  • BBC news - by Richard Black. BBC news. Fast fall of the Mediterranean Sharks 10 june 2008
  • Reuters by Robin Pomeroy. Med Shark numbers down 97 pct over two centuries 11 june 2008
  • Herald Tribune - Sharks decline by 97 percent in Mediterranean 11 June 2008
  • Timesonline - by Richard Owen. We must learn to love sharks, study warns. 11 june 2008.
  • The Guardian Shark numbers crash UK, 12 june 2008.
  • The Guardian In Praise of …Sharks. Editorial, UK, 12 june 2008
  • Telegraph - by Malcom Moore, Sharks functionally extinct in Mediterranean 112 june 2008


  • The New York Times - by Andrew C. Revkin. Emptied Mediterranean - Sharks Nearly Gone. 11 june 2008.
  • The New York Times - by Andrew C. Revkin. Some shark populations collapsing. 12 june 2008
  • The Washington Post - by Juliet Eilperin. In Mediterranean, the predator is the hunted 30 June 2008.
  • The Seattle times
  • The Gulf news
  • The Los Angeles Times
  • Foreign Policy by Juliet Eilperin Man Bites Shark


  • ANSA (wire agency) – Squali, perderli e’ come non avere la poliziaSharks, losing them is like not having the police, Italy, 11 june 2008
  • ANSA (wire agency) - by Elisabetta Guidobaldi – Grandi squali mediterraneo stanno scomparendoGreat sharks Mediterranean are disappearing 11 june 2008
  • AGR (wire agency) – Ambiente: squali a rischio di estinzione nel mediterraneoSharks at risk of extinction in the Mediterranean, Italy, 11 june 2008
  • Corriere della Sera - Mediterraneo, squali a rischio estinzioneMediterranean, Sharks at risk of extinction. Corriere della Sera, Italy, 11 June 2008.
  • La Repubblica - Da Italia Allarme Per Estinzione Squali Mediterraneo 12 june 2008
  • Il Messaggero - Allarme per il MediterraneoAlarm for the Mediterranean Sea. Il Messaggero, Italy, 11 june 2008
  • Il Secolo XIX - Squali del mediterraneo a rischio di estinzioneMediterranean sharks at risk of extinction,Il Secolo XIX, 11 june 2008
  • Il Resto del Carlino - L’allarme gli squali stanno scomparendoalarm, sharks are disappearing, Il Resto del Carlino, 11 june 2008.
  • Il Resto del Carlino - byLorenzo Monachesi. Per studiare gli squali sono dovuto emigrare in un ateneo del CanadaTo study sharks I had to migrate to a Canadian university. 17 june 2008.
  • La Stampa Squali decimate in via d’estinzioneSharks decimated in peril of extinction. La Stampa, Italy, 12 june 2008.
  • La Stampa Nel Mediterraneo e’ allarme squali *stanno scomparendo. La Zampa (animal section of La Stampa). 11 june 2008
  • Corriere Adriatico - by Pia Biacchelli Squali a rischio un Maceratese lancia l’allarmeSharks at risk of extinction a Maceratese gives the alarm. 12 june 2008.
  • Corriere Adriatico. Sono bravi, normale che vadano all’esteroThey are good it is natural they go abroad. 12 june 2008
  • Corriere Adriatico In practica ‘funzionalmente estinti’, cosi’ l’ecosistema va in tiltbasically functually extinct, so the ecosystem is in tilt. 12 june 2008


  • La Vanguardia - Los tiburones del Mediterráneo, en peligro de extinción. 11 june 2008
  • Publico - by Manuel Ansede. El número de tiburones mediterráneos se desploma. 12 june 2008.
  • - by Pablo Francescutti. Hermano tiburón. 12 june 2008


  • Katrin Wernke. Alarm unter Wasser. ….


  • Le Monde (front page) - by Jean-Jacques Bozonnet. Les requins de la Méditerranée sont en voie d’extinction rapide. 14 june 2008
  • Le Monde - La Méditerranée, une mer bientôt sans requins


  • China Daily. Mediterranean sharks: Hunters or prey China Daily, China, 12 june 2008

New Zealand

  • New Zealand Herald. Fishing takes big bite out of shark population, New Zealand Herald, 12 june 2008


  • Raphael Vassallo, No more ‘Jaws in the Med’ study warns, Malta Today, Malta, 15 june 2008
  • UPI. Sharks disappearing from the Mediterranean,, 30 june 2008.
  • UPI. Study: Shark species face extinction, UPI SCIENCE NEWS, 30 JUNE 2008.

TV news

  • TG1, national public television, national report, 13 June 2008 13.30
  • Camilla Moreni, Rischio estinzione per gli squali nel Mediterraneo TGLa7, 11 june 2008 14.08
  • SOS squali nel Mediterraneo – ANSA TV (Italian wire on-line TV).
  • Panorama online
  • Tiscali video
  • Yahoo video
  • Vincenzo Venuto. Nuovo studio scientific mostra un allarmante decline dei grandi predatori del Mediterraneo. Misione natura, TV magazine, La7

Radio Interviews

  • RDS, Italian Radio network, Interview, Italy, 13 june 2008
  • Radio Blu, Interview, Italy, 11 July 2008
  • Radio24, Moebious Science News, Italy, 2 August 2008.
  • Radio Nuova in Blu, Live show 19 August 2008

Weekly or monthly Magazines

  • Gente magazine. I giganti del mare stanno scomparendo 18 August 2008
  • Eleonora de Sabata. Ambiente Mare: tempi duri per gli squali in Mediterraneo. Nautica
  • What’s up. ambiente. Squali nel Mediterraneo calati del 97% in 200 anni
  • Ulisse- Scienza Esperienza: dove son finiti gli squali mediterranei?
  • WWF Italia: Che fine hanno fatto gli squali in Mediterraneo?
  • La Nuova Ecologia: salviamo gli squali
  • Italia Notizie: Mediterraneo, gli squali stanno scomparendo
  • Mongaby Bay: Large sharks population fall 97% in the Mediterranea
  • Conservation Magazine: Jets and sharks
  • Plenty: Mediterranean sharks see 99% extincion, now functionally extinct
  • International Animal Rescue: Med sharks, numbers plummet
  • RedOrbit: Shark popultations declining in the Mediterranean
  • Grist: our jaws are dropping
  • Animali e Animali: SOS squali mediterraneo
  • Virgilio Notizie: Ferretti, sempre meno squali
  • Blogeko: in un secolo spariti il 99,9% degli esemplari
  • Blog scienze: pericolo estinzione
  • Ambienteco: grandi squali mediterraneo scompaiono
  • SharkNews: SOS squali, la scomparsa dei grandi predatori dal Mediterraneo
  • Mail and Guardian online: sharks numbers crash
  • Yahoo answers: consequences of the loss of large sharks in the Med?
  • Missionary Intl. News Service
  • Vivere Marche
  • Pianeta Verde
  • ByMarche
  • Qbr Magazine
  • Latte e Miele (Radio)
  • Ecologiae - squali del Mediterraneo a rischio estinzione
  • Ocean Indigo: lo squalo è in via d’estinzione
  • Kataweb: Mediterraneo, squali a rischio estinzione
  • Mare in Italy - squali a rischio anche in Mediterraneo
  • European Vegetarian and Animal News Alliance
  • Il sussidiario
  • Il Mediterraneo
  • Marine Conservation News
  • Il reporter: Mediterraneo, squali addio
  • Discover Magazine - Embrace the shark before it’s gone.